
The coffee

In the little kitchen of my childhood home, there was coffee every morning. Always.

Open letter to Gov. Kemp

Dear Governor, I know you have been busy signing or vetoing bills from the recent legislative session, so I have chosen not to disturb you. But now that you have all that behind, I wonder if I might have a word with you? And that word is: Okefenokee.

Sounds familiar

In a doctor’s waiting room, I sat, without a phone or a newspaper to read. I was just a-sittin’, observing those scattered about.

Bringing joy to others

As the length of my time has stretched into many years, I realize the exceeding importance of giving moments of kindness. Take for instance, my friend, Edward.

A Champion of Community: Floyd Griffin for State Representative

Dear Editor, In the heart of Georgia's political arena, one figure stands out as a beacon of integrity and compassion: Floyd Griffin. With a rich history as the former mayor of Milledgeville and state senator, businessman, and army colonel, Griffin's commitment to serving his community knows no bounds.

Community success based on the leaders elected

Dear Editor, This past weekend my term as president of the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) was complete. I represented Georgia and Baldwin County at multiple events in Washington D.C., meetings of the National Association of County Officers (NACo).

Letter to a new great-grandson

Dear Samuel Knox Wansley, Welcome! You are my seventh great-grandchild and the fourth male in my growing family tree. However, I suspect that is of little importance to you at this point.